Thursday, September 23, 2010

33... Meantowaitstaffian penisheadimus

Common Name:
Napoleon syndrome
Unawaretheywillian spitindafoodimus: This is the restaurant connoisseur that overtly treats the servers like they are lower-class citizens that are beneath its stature in general, or worse. In doing so, it is often completely unaware that they could [in theory, and for good reason] completely spike its food and/or drink with something both nasty and dangerous.
Probably Evolved From:
Meantowaitstaffian penisheadimus often works at a “professional” job during the week in which it has to deal with lots of criticism. Therefore, it has no problem unleashing its pent-up anger on the “lowly” waitress at whichever restaurant it might be dining.
Close Affiliations:
Across the board it will surprise you with how many affiliations it has with other species.
Don’t Confuse With:
A patron with a legitimate complaint that might happen to be a little testy.
Preferred Everyday Activity:
Gleefully making the lives of wait-staff miserable everywhere.
Usually approachable as long as you are not wearing an apron or carrying a tray of food.
Ultimate Life’s Potential:
To be a respected restaurant critic.
Will remain oblivious to the amount of other peoples’ saliva (or maybe even worse) that it consumes over a lifetime.
How to Avoid Becoming One:
First, consider yourself above nobody. Second, if anyone is ever handling your food, whether at a nice establishment or at a fast-food restaurant, kill them with kindness, even when they might mess-up your order. In general, you can get a good idea of the character of people based on how they treat people like waiters and waitresses. Always remember that.

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