Thursday, September 23, 2010

20... Chesthairium openshirtimus

Common Name:
70’s butterfly collar throwback, Austin Powers
Goldchanium withamedallion: Feels the need to accessorize copious amounts of chest hair with a gold chain and/or some sort of medallion that gets tangled in the midst.
Wearscrubsimum noundershirtimus: This is the unfortunate surgeon or anesthesiologist that forgoes the simple act of donning an undershirt beneath its operating room scrubs, thereby leaving the V-neck exposing more than you ever wanted to see.
Probably Evolved From:
Back in the day (70’s), I think it was somewhat cool to not only sport a tremendous amount of chest-hair, but to also display it with open buttons and V-necks. I mean, just look at some of the clothes worn back then and you might come to an acceptable conclusion of why this might have become popular. Unfortunately, there are still a few holdovers from that era that refuse to let go of the glory days.
Close Affiliations:
Corvetimi oldmanimus, Baldheadamii inaconvertibleamus
Don’t Confuse With:
Sasquatch… Or the unfortunate individual who happens to wear an undershirt, but is genetically cursed with his own hair-shirt of sorts, with sprouts or hair popping out the neck region of the undershirt from both the front and backside.
Preferred Everyday Activity:
Reliving the glory days vicariously through Magnum PI™ reruns.
Generally approachable and polite, albeit a bit cheesy.
Ultimate Life’s Potential:
To land a coveted role on That 70’s show™.
Will ultimately meet your mom and become your stepfather.
How to Avoid Becoming One:
Simple… Wear an undershirt.

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