Common Name:
idiot, dumbass, criminal, convict
Hattiltium sidewaysamus: Truly incapable of squaring its hat straight on its-own head.
Neverwenttocollegium numberonefanimus: Never assume that the species wearing a matching USC™ or University of Miami™ ensemble (complete with a jersey and matching hat that is tilted and still has the price-tag) is actually a current student or alumnus; or even has their GED, for that matter.
Hoodedshirtimi butitsnotcoldimus: It’s a comfy 75°’s Fahrenheit outside (or warmer), but this breed of species must wear a complete ensemble that it apparently picked up from the FBI’s Unabomber sketch, often completing the oversized, hooded look with complementing ass-revealing pants that sport the equivalent to the male-version garment-bling introduced by the makers of the Bedazzler™.
Probably Evolved From:
Vanity, narcissism, and general pride in the superficial appearance that [at first glance] the headgear appears to have been shoplifted. Varying degrees and combinations of Hatstillhasium pricetagamus further convey a social class makeup roughly dependent on the final assortment of the labels, with a rather reputable trademarked brand, a readily visible higher-end cost, a dope-appearing barcode, and the final degree of tiltage and bend (or lack thereof) rounding out the qualifications of belonging to an array of sociocultural categories.
Close Affiliations:
Pantus ondagroundamus, Neonlightium undercarimus
Don’t Confuse With:
Inadvertent tilting of the hat or the unforeseen sticker that might have been overlooked under the brim on the consumer that was a little too eager to wear his/her new ball-cap before first checking to make sure all the labels were off.
Preferred Everyday Activity:
In addition to holding up its pants, H. pricetagamus enjoys hanging-out in Walmart™ or BestBuy™ tirelessly playing the complimentary videogame console in the electronics department. It also enjoys shoplifting (preferably a hat) on its way out of the store.
God-forbid H. pricetagamus has a hint of artistic ability, you might best observe it spray-painting graffiti on the façade of buildings downtown, defacing the newly-opened playground just down the street, or splattering foreign-language-looking gibberish on the freight cars at the rail yard; which is amazing in-and-of itself because the majority of the subcategories associated with H. pricetagamus rarely even come close to being proficient with the native tongue. The spray-paint can is usually very easily hidden under the enormous ass-revealing pants that are almost exclusively preferred by H. pricetagamus, should “trouble” in the form of upholders of the law venture nearby for a closer look. Just remember that if you are a potential mate (yes, I’m talking to you, Haltertopian twelveyearsoldimus), it may not be as happy as you think to see you.
H. pricetagamus is closely associated with Pantus ondagroundamus. Getting too close may be hazardous. It is best to observe from a distance.
Ultimate Life’s Potential:
A spot playing video games for money on the Madden NFL™ tour-bus.
“You want fries wit’dat?”
How to Avoid Becoming One:
Very simple: Actually purchase the things that you take off the shelves of a store; but remember to remove the price-tag. Also, make sure that both sides of the brim on your hat in your peripheral vision fields are equally visible at all times when placed upon your-own head.
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